donationThe Salvation Army is so grateful for the donations we receive from individual supporters...
Such gifts enable us to plan long-term programs that help vulnerable people all over the Hungary.
There are many worthy causes here in Hungary and the Salvation Army works to bridge the gap between the needs of the community and those of the local governments.
 While providing support to the needy they also teach and encourage members of the local community to continue this work. We invite you to support the following institutions of the Salvation Army in Budapest:

The House of New Beginnings (Új Kezdet Háza) – Bajnok u. 25, Budapest 1064

In the 6th district (Terézváros Community), the Salvation Army manages The House of New Beginnings, a shelter and transitional home for women who need help with re-integrating into society and the workforce or with placement into other social programs. At this location, they also run a daytime warm-up facility and community kitchen for 50-60 homeless people daily, as well as overnight accommodation for 24, during the winter months.
Volunteering possibilities:
serving meals at the community kitchen
helping with the seasonal general cleaning of the facility on certain week-ends
sorting out donations occasionally or before the Christmas season

The Crossroads’ House (Válaszút Háza) – Lemberg u. 42, Budapest 1171
In the 17th District, they work with local members of the community to provide refuge and rehabilitation to women who need to learn or refresh their life skills. Some of these women have come out of the justice system and need to get back into to the community and work force. Others are homeless and seek help to make an independent life for themselves. Others come from difficult home situations and are looking for refuge and direction.

House of Light Mothers’ Home (Fény Haza Anyaotthon)*
The Mothers’ Home provides refuge and a transitional home to women and their children from abusive homes. Here the situation is quite fluid, consequently there is a continual need for donations of clothing (women and children), toys and toiletries.

The House of New Hope (Új Reményseg Háza) – Dobozi u. 29, Budapest 1086
 The Salvation Army offers accommodation and rehabilitation services to 100 men and a daily feeding program for 250 individuals here. The Men’s Hostel in the 8th district (Józsefváros Community) is located quite close to the downtown core and could use donations of non-perishable food, men’s clothing, shoes, boots, scarves, hats and toiletries.
Volunteers would also be most appreciated to help serve the noon meal provided daily for the needy and tidy up in the dining room afterwards, particularly on weekends end especially on Sundays.

At the Salvation Army, there is a continuous need for:
*non-perishable food
* used, clean clothing, shoes and accessories
(in separate bags labeled for men, women and children)
* used toys and board games
*school and office supplies
*small appliances
*small household items
* regular size toiletries

Should you wish to donate any of the above items, please drop off your donation at:  Salvation Army Headquarters (Üdvhadsereg), Budapest 1063, Rózsa utca 111, 2.em

Donations are gratefully accepted Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM to 16:00 PM. Please call at the gate inter-phone and say the words “Salvation Army donation” and an officer will come to the gate to assist you.
All donations dropped off at the head office are sorted and distributed among all the Salvation Army institutions.
Exceptionally, on designated dates twice/year, we will collect donations at our general meetings, to be picked up by the Salvation Army. Please watch for information on our Facebook page, in our weekly announcements and in Events.

If you wish to donate a large amount of goods, which you cannot transport yourself (in case of moving, de-cluttering or re-organizing your home), please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will arrange for your donation to be picked up from your home.